:: The Swift People #3 ::

:: Melkhoutfontein, Stilbaai, Western Cape, South Africa::
:: February & March 2016 - March & April 2017 - February & March 2018 ::

About the Project    Progress    Murals 2016    Murals 2017
Murals 2018    Murals 2019    Encounters with the Swift People

Swift Ppl 1    Swift Ppl 2    Eland Ppl    Swift Ppl 3    Strandlopers    Timewalk    Southern Cross

:: 2016 - Varying Dimensions, approx 5m tall - Emulsion on Chimney Stack ::
:: Marthins, Regina & Family's House, Melkhoutfontein, Western Cape, South Africa ::

The image of the Swift People proved to be quite popular. On my second full day in Melkhoutfontein, project director Anthea Rossouw took me to meet all those who were getting murals, and this chimney stack proved a little challenging to find an image. After a discussion with Marthins and Regina, who liked the swift people image very much I suddenly had a flash of inspiration just as we were leaving: swift dancers flying up and transforming into swifts as they ascended the chimney. This was quite a powerful and literally-expressed image for this location.

The swift people on the rippled middle level proved to be something of a challenge, but after selecting an optimum vantage point from which to view the mural-in-progress (and from which to photograph the completed mural) it became easy to adapt the painted lines to lend the effect of unity over the inclined rippled edges. A metal manufactured ladder was brought in to paint the middle and upper levels but it proved too ricketty for use. Marthins' handmade wooden ladder, meanwhile, proved sturdy all the way to the top. A lesson in the value of craftsmanship!

The Swift People #3

The Swift People #3 Details

The Swift people #3


Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Bruce Rimell : All images, artwork, and words on this site
are copyrighted to Bruce Rimell and may not be reproduced in any form unless stated otherwise.