:: Hecate ::

Eleusis    Hecate    Daeira    Demeter    Dionysos    Rhea    Hermes    Persephone    Thea

:: 2012 :: 500cm x 50cm :: Acrylics, Inks & Markers on Canvas ::

We have reached the gate of the Propylaia, where the veil of silence descends over the rites. Hecate is a constant presence throughout Eleusis, often shapeshifting into Rhea and Artemis, marking her out as a Mistress of the Wild Places, the kinds of places that Demeter herself would have wandered in her initial grief. But she is also an encapsulation of the three Eleusinian Goddesses - Rhea, Demeter and Persephone - in a single identity. A Mistress of the Wilds who is also a Great Mother and a Worker of Dark Magic recalls each deity in turn. And as a Lady of Boundaries, she is sister to Hermes. Not for nothing was the Propylaia, the entrance gate to the Sanctuary at Eleusis sacred to Hecate. She is a true transcendent Gatekeeper, for upon her trifold ghostly face can be seen written the entirety of the blessed Eleusinian secret...



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are copyrighted to Bruce Rimell and may not be reproduced in any form unless stated otherwise.