:: Tiarzecatar ~ The Thirteen Songs of Creation ::

Cosmos     Earthly     Heavenly     Underworld     Ocean     Lucaion     Afer

Lucaioncatar             Tiarzecatar             Daiarzan             Ferxao


Achir, the Triple-Gendered Child, comes to the Waters of the Middle Place, swims to the base of the tree Mintxac and finds a door which s/he enters and descends to the Underworld Garden. There s/he encounters Ferioxe who whispers the First Words of Fernal Language into hir ear: io to fer – "Hail Pristine Nature!" – Achir is delighted at this. From there, Achir climbs until s/he reaches Perozon, the nightingale in the highest skies, simply to hear its music. Perozon whispers the Second Words of Fernal Language into Achir's ear: o fa a fer – "I am Afer!" – Achir is delighted at this.

Finally Achir returns to Earth, stands barefoot upon the ground and whispers the Third Words of Fernal Language: imexaonua to – "I speak the First Word!" The Earthly Garden erupts in joy from this, and from every part of the garden, blessing serpents called Biaisai emerge to bless the Garden with fertility and happiness. Achir then forges the characters of the Fernal syllabary from these serpents, make magic, laughter and song as he does so. The song closes with his magic, laughter and song rising outwards from the centre and filling the cosmos, resonating with Afer's own magic, laughter and song.

io to cai, the elegant
Afer spoke three times,
triple shining, triple child,
Afer sang three times

Achir comes to the Waters of the Middle Place,
emerged from semen, milk and binding,
child of three goddesses, of three genders,
Achir comes to the sheltering World Tree,
Mintxac of three birds, of three ancient words,

Achir swims in the Waters of the Middle Place,
emerged from magic, music and transformation,
child of three tricksters, of three unions,
Achir swims under the sheltering World Tree,
Mintxac of three growings, of three combined songs

seeing that
a circle can be completed,
sensing that
a cycle unfolds then enfolds,
I will voyage to the three World Gardens

a doorway in the trunk of the Mintxac tree,
I will descend to the Underworld Garden,
a doorway from the Heart of Ebion,
I will descend to see my cousin Ferioxe,
shimmering and shining in the heart

in the warm dark of the Underworld,
triple-born Ferioxe secretly whispers,
in the darklight realm of my cousin Ferioxe,
triple-spoken io to fer is secretly whispered
shimmering and shining in the heart

roots and branches of the Mintxac tree
I will ascend to the Heavenly Garden,
roots and branches of the Heart of Ebion,
I will ascend to see my cousin Perozon,
feathers, leaves and starlight in the heart

in the bright light of the Heavens,
myth-singing Perozon secretly whispers,
in the Milky Way realm of my cousin Perozon,
myth-telling o fa afer is secretly whispered
feathers, leaves and starlight in the heart

leaves and trunk of the Mintxac tree,
I will return to the shining Heart of Enoha,
leaves and trunk of the Mintxac tree,
I will return to the shining Heart of Ebion,
to the sheltering Tree at the Waters of the Middle Place

in the barefoot joy of the Earthly Garden
I, the strange Achir secretly whisper,
in the fertile realm of all of my cousins,
I speak, imexaonua to is secretly whispered,
at the sheltering Tree at the Waters of the Middle Place

seeing that Enoha erupts into joy at these words,
seeing that Ebion rejoices everywhere at these words,
triple-fertile blessing serpents emerge,
I will forge the Fernal Glyphs from their bodies,
I will make magic laughter and song

and so we who have emerged from semen and milk,
who bring forth the Fernal Language,
who forge the Glyphs from serpents,
we, the triple-gendered children,
here we sing and sing

here in the sheltering World Tree,
music of delightful laughter
magic of creative song,
here we sing and sing

io to cai - "Hail Delight!"



(Achir realises that through his actions,
he can recreate the opening moments
of the Fernal Cosmos, and thus forge
the 'Thirteen Songs' into a circular


io to fer - "Hail Nature!"


o fa afer - "I am Afer"


imexaonua to "I speak the First Word!" 

Biaisai - Serpent Blessings"   
Ferchir - "Fernal Writing"

Ferxao - "Fernal Language"




Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Bruce Rimell : All images, artwork, and words on this site
are copyrighted to Bruce Rimell and may not be reproduced in any form unless stated otherwise.