:: Tiarzecatar ~ The Thirteen Songs of Creation ::

Cosmos     Earthly     Heavenly     Underworld     Ocean     Lucaion     Afer

Lucaioncatar             Tiarzecatar             Daiarzan             Ferxao


Txacuir sings a song in the heart of Ebion, so beautiful that it brings Imarzona and Tibatlai from their realms to meet in the centre. Txacuir again becomes invisible and Imarzona and Tibatlai lay in the leafy glade of Ebion and swear eternal love for each other, bond together and make love. This sexual act continues eternally in the heart of the Earthly Garden. In their joy and transcendental orgasm, they sing, and invisible Txacuir's voice joins their song. They name the East of the Earthly Garden Rimacai and their first child Ferion who runs to the East. They name the West of the Earthly Garden Calemiar and their second child Feria. They then sing of the centre, Ebion, and Txacuir is reborn as their third child, with the name Ferioxe. Yanuia has thus become Txacuir, then reborn for a third time as Ferioxe – a trifold-born child like Dionysos.

io to luc, the deep-shining
Shimmer People orient the realms,
forging suntracks, forging moontracks,
the Shimmer People set paths within the realms

Txacuir raises hir voice in song,
in the Heart of Ebion he incants a song,
he calls out beautifully with an attractive face
to the northern realms of Fernalia,
and to Imarzona in her Bright House

Txacuir raises hir voice in song,
in the Heart of Ebion he incants a song,
he calls out beautifully with harmonious tone
to the southern realms of Zonnalia,
and to Tibatlai in his Musical House

seeing that
Txacuir has disappeared
sensing that
the glades of Ebion welcome them,
they lay down among the leaves

behold, Tibatlai, my love is for you,
the Heart of Ebion is my heart,
behold, Tibatlai, my body is for you,
the Fundament of Earth is my being,
eternally shall we dwell in orgasm

behold, Imarzona, my love is for you,
the Heart of Ebion is my heart,
behold, Imarzona, my body is for you,
the Fundament of Heaven is my being,
eternally shall we dwell in orgasm

and we sing in three voices of sexual joy,
two in sacred union and one in sacred hiding,
we set our feet upon the eastern realm,
we bless our hearts in the eastern realm,
grant it the name Rimacai

and we sing in three voices of sexual joy,
two in sacred union and one in sacred hiding,
we set our heads upon the western realm,
we bless our bodies in the western realm,
grant it the name Calemiar

behold, Tibatlai, I am once with child,
behold, Imarzona, Earth blesses you,
we sing of Ferion the first daughter,
she runs away to the east, the coldest dawn,
she dwells in the east, where life begins

behold, Tibatlai, I am twice with child,
behold, Imarzona, Heaven blesses you,
we sing of Feria the second son,
he runs away to the west, the warmest evening,
he dwells in the west, where life completes

seeing that I am with child a third time,
seeing that Underworld blesses you,
we sing of Ferioxe the third queerchild,
he dwells in the Heart of Ebion as Txacuir did,
he dwells in the Heart of Ebion as Yanuia did

and so we who bear children,
we who bless from all three Gardens,
we who emerge from all three Gardens,
we, the Shimmer People,
here we sing and sing

here in the glades of Ebion,
of sexuality and innerlight,
the Heart of Ebion,
here we sing and sing

io to luc - "Hail Inner Light!"






Rimacai - "Recurring Delight"

Calemiar - "Linking Vision" 

Ferion - "Fernal Awakening"

Feria - "Fernalised, Made Fernal"

Ferioxe - "Thrice Fernal", the triple-born
child who is the reborn essence of both
the invisible Txacuir and Yanuia





Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Bruce Rimell : All images, artwork, and words on this site
are copyrighted to Bruce Rimell and may not be reproduced in any form unless stated otherwise.