:: Lucaioncatar ~ The Song of Lucaion ::

Cosmos     Earthly     Heavenly     Underworld     Ocean     Lucaion     Afer

Lucaioncatar             Tiarzecatar             Daiarzan             Ferxao


Lucaion sails into the Underworld Garden, and the myriad spirits of that realm watch as he sails past them. They task him to undress, stumble into the dark caves, to forget his whole life and then die. Imprisoned in the Underworld, Lucaion's enchantments and skills fall away. Ferzoncuai sings to each planet in turn, asking for their help in rescuing Lucaion from the Underworld – just as he helped them by fulfilling their task, so they must now come together to help him complete the mission set by Atlai in the first part.

Derufin vows to find the name of the one without name, while Mirosai vows to make the spirits of the Underworld shed tears for Lucaion. Mataruia sings to distract the spirits, while Tzihuia bathes the Underworld in a blinding light. Aionsai vows to listen to the cares of the Underworld spirits, while Cuaifin forges a place for the spirits to be reborn back into the Fernal Cosmos. Finally Menesai grants her vulva as the place of rebirth. In this way, the seven Beings wake up Ayia, the Queer of the Underworld. He asks who is causing all this to be done, and Lucaion awakes, answering Ayia that it is he, Lucaion, who is doing all this. Lucaion and Ayia lay together for eight nights, before Lucaion departs the Underworld with Ayia's blessing.

Eight thousand eyes saw the Fisher Lucaion,
from the cold depths of the Underworld,
where life crosses over, and becomes again.
The myriad spirits were enchanted with this youth;
they had a task for him to complete.

Eight thousand voices raised in unmusical chant,
dead-eyed spirits whispered dark dry leaves:
Lucaion, we see you cold and alone,
you stumble blindly in caves to visit us.
Before this, you will follow the delightless road
to the Underworld, divest of your clothes
and your memories; then you will die for us.

Lucaion saw no tricks, felt no sorrow,
he knew no landscape, saw no spirits,
he knew no blessings, honoured no shimmer,
Lucaion's enchantments all fell away from him,
for eight nights he lay silent in the Underworld.

Ferzoncuai called upon Derufin:
Sail with me now to the Underworld's depths.
Your tricks will help the silent Lucaion

Derufin in the Heart of Ebion whispered a leaf:
I will find the name of the Nameless One

Ferzoncuai called upon Mirosai:
Sail with me now to the Underworld's depths.
Your sorrow will help the silent Lucaion

Mirosai of the Ocean Garden whispered a leaf:
I will make the eight thousand spirits shed tears

Ferzoncuai called upon Mataruia:
Sail with me now to the Underworld's depths.
Your music will help the silent Lucaion

Mataruia of the Fernalia lands whispered a leaf:
I will sing to the spirits to distract them

Ferzoncuai called upon Tzihuia:
Sail with me now to the Underworld's depths.
Your blazing light will help the silent Lucaion

Tzihuia of the Heaventrack whispered a leaf:
I will bathe the Underworld in blinding light

Ferzoncuai called upon Aionsai:
Sail with me now to the Underworld's depths.
Your care will help the silent Lucaion

Aionsai of the Manxio lands whispered a leaf:
I will listen to the cares of the dead spirits

Ferzoncuai called upon Cuaifin:
Sail with me now to the Underworld's depths.
Your forging will help the silent Lucaion

Cuaifin of the Furthest East whispered a leaf:
I will forge a place for the spirits to be reborn

Ferzoncuai called upon Menesai:
Sail with me now to the Underworld's depths.
Your honour will help the silent Lucaion

Menesai of the Furthest West whispered a leaf:
I will grant my vulva as the place of rebirth

At this, the Great Being of the Underworld,
Ayia of eight thousand names intoned a magic chant:
Who calls out my name?
Who makes my spirits shed tears?
Who sings beautifully to distract me?
Who bathes my dark realm in bathing light?
Who cares for my dead spirit children?
Who helps my children to be reborn?
Who grants their vulva as the place of rebirth?

The Light-Bearer Beings spoke lightfold leaves,
The Beautiful Ship spoke a lightfold leaf:
Lucaion, we see you in your silent tomb,
you float in darkness and we shall gather you.
Before this, awake and open your arms,
to love Ayia of the eight thousand names,
Eight-Night Lover, live again for us.

Lucaion opened his arms to love Ayia,
fixed him with his sexual eye
and whispered 'It is I, Lucaion' seven times in his ear.
Ayia was enchanted with this youth,
Lay with him for eight nights awake.

Lucaion, the Fisher of the Stars,
Underworld's eight-night-lover, spoke a lightfold leaf:
Ayia of the Talented Rebirth,
clearly have you transformed me,
I will bear your release in my whole being,
this way I will return to you,
this way I will descend again to love you.

Lucaion, the Underworld Wanderer
beneath the waves, spoke a lightfold leaf:
Ferzoncuai of the Talented Rousing
Light-Bearer Beings of the Many Talents,
clearly have you transformed me,
this way I will come with you,
this way I will ascend Heaven with you.

Ayia saw the Fisher Lucaion,
departing from him with great warmth,
returned to his Underworld dwelling place.
Ayia was enchanted with this youth,
and vowed to watch him from Afer's feet.


















Ayia - "Queer-Identified Human"
The third gender in fernal conception




(...and thus Lucaion here becomes
the Eighth Light-Bearer Being
and is queerly reborn as his own child!)



Copyright (c) 2002-2023 Bruce Rimell : All images, artwork, and words on this site
are copyrighted to Bruce Rimell and may not be reproduced in any form unless stated otherwise.